Sunday, May 30, 2010

New Barn Cat

So I'm getting a new barn cat in a few weeks' time (we've agreed on the week of June 8th). Here's a picture ...

Someone posted her on Craigslist for free. I figured that since I have space, I'd take her. I asked the person to have her spayed and vaccinated and asked that I be given copies of all the paperwork for proof so I can take this info to my vet. He agreed. He is paying for it all (nice guy, eh?). I had offered to pay but he was insistent. Why can't they all be like that??

Anyway, he thinks she's a Maine Coon mix of some sort and he tells me that she's semi-feral. Apparently she's not his cat but he's taking care of the necessities anyway since she showed up on his "doorstep". Not sure if she really semi-feral or if she's just frightened. I'll post more about her after I pick her up.


seth said...

Hi, please do comment on my entry for sunsilk blog contest here

Need your support, badly! Thanks!

Dropping by from BC Bloggers :-)

Jaya said...

She is a beauty! I look forward to hearing more about her after you two get acquainted...

ZBird said...

Maine Coons are the best! I had one for 15 years and miss her everyday! It has been 10 years since she passed and I have never been able to replace her. Look forward to hearing more.

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